The Lightning Project

The ongoing saga of the PNG Lightning Maroon Clownfish breeding project.

Browsing Posts published in June, 2012

Yes, I’ve been busy, busy, busy.  At this point, neither fish has cloudy eyes, both have hearty appetites, but they are still not 100%.  Was going to get a skin scrape set up this past week but there’s truly been no time (2 back-to-back trips, wife’s birthday, father’s day in a matter of minutes etc…). […]

Another quick followup – last night I set to ruling out one possible cause – a disrupted nitrogen cycle.  In looking at the tank, I honestly had no reason to suspect any actual problems, except of course this recurrent cloudy / infected eye issue occurring with both fish now.  One possible cause however, could certainly be the […]

So things get better, then worse, then better, then worse.  Things were going well until late last week, when around June 1, the small male maroon showed up with a cloudy, distended eye.  POP EYE again!  And the appetite was nil.  What?!  I’ve been continuing to treat with the Dr. G’s antibiotic-laced frozen food…why is […]