Yes, when you’re not actively rearing any spawns (due to a planned fishroom redesign) tracking them seems to fall out of priority rather quickly.  That said, it’s a habit I should stick to, even if it makes for rather mundane blog updates!  Gotta record the data.
Wednesday, June 24th, the F1 Lightning X Lightning pair spawned, putting down what is now their 14th spawn.  For whatever reason, they’re taking a slower incubation period…most of the eggs hatched 7 days later, the following Wednesday night, July 1st going into today.  Roughly 1/3 of the nest remains…and presumably will hatch tonight.  I should point out that the pair is currently receiving no foods other than Spectrum’s Thera A, and has been on such a diet for quite a while.  I’m pretty impressed with the nests I’m seeing from fish eating only pellet foods!
The F0 (wild) Lightning Maroon and White Stripe spawned this week again, spawning on Tuesday, June 30th.  Based on my records this is their 59th spawn. Crazy to think about.