The Lightning Project

The ongoing saga of the PNG Lightning Maroon Clownfish breeding project.

Browsing Posts tagged Maracyn SW

Short update, I got on the Morse Code Maroon this morning and swabbed the area with Hydrogen Peroxide.  I am guessing this fish will likely be dead in the next 24 hours.  Ordinarily, a fish in this condition would be euthanized.  Warning, the picture is pretty darn graphic.  The fish’s entire upper maxillary has been […]

Today was just a crazy day.  A week in the making, I owe a bit of thanks to Jonica and her husband Scott (rest of her name withheld for privacy).  They provided the impetus for a day long road trip from Duluth to the Twin Cities region to pick up another massive female Maroon Clownfish.  […]

So as it stands, the Morse Code Maroon Clown, the largest one that was shipped, got Maracyn SW last night after a 50% water change.  That seems to have had no affect.  So tonight, lacking guidance and having a bit of desperation based on the ever-declining health of this fish, I doubled down and added […]

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So, after last night’s update, I went downstairs and gave the fish a closer look and that’s when I saw something I really didn’t like. The female’s right eye was distended and had a big black splotch on it. There was not a spot of Cryptocaryon on her, which was the “moment” I had been […]

So, a bunch of clownfish porn this evening, because frankly, a blog is kinda boring if it’s just always text text text text text. The female PNG Maroon is definitely doing better, yet still sick.  Still has cloudy eyes.  After I fed and shot video this evening, she got another water change with full strength […]

I know most folks are wanting to hear about the Lightning Maroon, but there isn’t much to say.  “He’s” clean, healthy, likes to eat pellet foods and doesn’t seem at all interested in the mysis and brine shrimp.  Not sure what’s up with that, but I’m chalking it up to him being ticked he’s in […]

Not much to say…the main event is what I noticed earlier this afternoon.  More of a “record keeping” update than anything else.  Did a water change with full strength saltwater again this evening.  Dosed with Maracyn SW – this is probably the last does.  I have NOT moved her to the 10 gallon “recovery tank” […]

So honestly, having been cut off from the newbie crack trapthat is Reef Central by the dealer itself years ago, I’m at times unfamiliar with all the personalities associated with it.  RC, with it’s huge marketshare in the “online reef community” department, is one of those places where folks at times make a name for […]

Yes, it is official.  With my helping hand, the Lightning Maroon is bolting from QT / Hospital and into a breeder net.  Not ideal, but I happen to agree with the advisers that the pros and cons of staying on my current course dictated a change. Here’s the arguments for keeping the Lightning Maroon WITH […]