The Lightning Project

The ongoing saga of the PNG Lightning Maroon Clownfish breeding project.

Browsing Posts in Lightning Maroon Updates

Yes, the monotonous drone of logging spawns continues….the 57th spawn from the wild pair (Lightning X White Stripe) was found on Saturday evening, June 6th, 2015.

It looks like things are slowly returning to normal here.  The wild Lightning Maroon’s spawn mostly hatched out Sunday night (May 31st going into June 1st).  Oddly though, their eggs, while viable, continue to appear very small. And then yesterday, June 2nd, the F1 Lightning X Lightning pair spawned…a smaller nest, but frankly they’ve not […]

It appears that I had a spawn of the wild Lightning Maroon X White Stripe pairing over the Memorial Day holiday.  I’m guessing it was put down on Monday (May 25th), but it could have been Sunday (May 24th) as well. This is their 56th spawn.

On May 12th, 2015, the wild (F0) Lightning X White Stripe pair threw down their 55th recorded spawn.  It looked like a good, solid, quality nest…and once again, they moved it.  On a related note, I also found a spawn of the unrelated wild PNG White Stripe pair; I didn’t notice it the day it […]

So somehow a spawn simply got by me.  The wild pair moved where there nest was and I didn’t catch it until yesterday, 5-6-2015; this is their 54th spawn.  Their eggs continue to look very “small”, but they are remaining viable it would seem as these are at least 4 days old.  Meanwhile, a day […]

So…going back here, it appears that the wild Lightning X WS pair is finally fertile and putting down eggs that might last.  None made it to hatch on Spawn #52, but they were absolutely fertile. The 10th spawn of the F1 Lightning Pair took 3 nights to hatch out last week.  As of 4-22-2015, the […]

I’ve not been worrying about spawns lately, partially because things don’t seem to be going just right, partially because a rotifer reboot failed to take, and partially because misc commitments away from the fishroom will preclude any intensive rearing efforts either way, but also because other projects are getting in the way too. That, and […]

Just recording another Lightning Maroon spawn; on Monday, March 30th, the pair put down Spawn #51.  The nest didn’t look that great..the eggs were a lighter shade of orange, and the nest did not appear “tight”.  I’m going to guess that this nest, like recent priors, is going to be a dud.

It turned out that both the Nebula Percula pair and the Lightning X Lightning pair’s nests were due to hatch on the same night this past week…..6 days for the Lightnings, 8 days for the Percs.  I scrambled like crazy to get everything ready, pulled the tile from the Lightnings (and set it up with […]

This is the 8th spawn from the F1 Lightning X Lightning pair, and unlike all prior small nests, this is a nice tight half dollar sized group; at least a few hundred eggs.  And it’s the 2nd nest on a tile.  FINALLY, we might be getting somewhere.  The nest was spawned on the late evening […]