The Lightning Project

The ongoing saga of the PNG Lightning Maroon Clownfish breeding project.

Browsing Posts tagged gene

Here’s a quick rundown. The 5th spawn of the F1 Lightning X Lightning Maroon Clownfish pairing was collected and hatched by Mike Doty while I was away.  In short, he scraped off the eggs, hatched them in a 1 gallon jar in a water bath with simple aeration, 75% clean new water.  Come November 28th, […]

So yeah…October 2nd, I’m just walking by the tank and I see this… We are about to embark on the next exciting chapter of the Lightning Maroon Clownfish and genes.  My hypothesis is that the Lightning gene is partially dominant or dominant. The offspring from this spawn, if successfully raised, will yield important answers that […]

More than any other question I’ve received in the past year, is one that once again, came up in a private communication from Carl W. Phillips Jr. tonight.  He asked,  “Mr Pedeersen whats you opinion of what the stripe maroon will throw some lightning ??” My response: “I’ve written about this rather extensively on and elsewhere. […]

A special thanks goes out to Shane & Len at Advanced Aquarist for co-publishing this blog entry there – it seemed like the perfect contribution given the style of material they like to cover. The Lightning Project Just to bring you up to speed, it’s been over 2 years since the “Lightning Maroon” from PNG made […]