The Lightning Project

The ongoing saga of the PNG Lightning Maroon Clownfish breeding project.

Browsing Posts tagged SEASMART

Yeah…this is one of those times where no news is relatively good news. I’m in need of some Lightning Maroon Clownfish updates! Where to begin? How about the new pair of Maroon Clowns I got from Greg a while back. He had them spawning, but they’ve yet to spawn since arriving…I picked them up from […]

This is a short post – Mark Martin showed me this fish last night, I passed on the premise that if it’s genetic, it seems to be a bit more like a “Picasso” type variant than the “Lightning” variation.  I really think that there is a running theme here.  It’s juts a theory, but it would […]

One of the highlights of my trip to MACNA in Orlando this year was getting to meet many of the people who were involved in bringing the Lightning Maroon Clownfish from PNG to my home aquarium in Duluth, MN.  While I documented this trip already in my 2010 MACNA recap on Reefbuilders, I wanted to […]

I’m a unabashed fan of certain things.  In line with recent “regulations” regarding “blogs”, “bloggers” are supposed to tell you when they’re talking about something they received gratis from a company.  So let me say this up front.  My opinion is NEVER for sale.  Never. If I talk about something and say I like it […]

A big shipment of fish, including PNG Maroon Clownfish from the Papua New Guinea SEASMART program landed on my doorstep the morning of July 1st, 2010.  As you likely know, it’s been a bit of a dance to get fish ready for shipment as well as conditions being right to receive a shipment!  I’m glad […]

Since the PNG Lightning Maroon hit the online world, there’s been over 100+ threads on it.  I’m not about to link to them all here, but I found the conversations  I had with a few of my fellow TCMAS (Twin Cities Marine Aquarium Society) members very interesting.  The original thread is here ( ), […]

So good news!  The fine folks @ SEASMART and BLUE ZOO have more PNG Maroons for me, on their way from Fisherman’s Island! Amazing how a short chain of custody, with fish collected specifically to fill particular orders, can work to the hobbyist’s benefit.  I’m eager to see what arrives and to document it all. […]

So back on March 31st, in the midst of plenty of hard-core programming for work, I got a call from Fed Ex.  Mark Martin had arranged for a “hold at facility” on my shipment, which meant that Fed Ex called me when the boxes arrived.  It is better, and often quicker, than letting the fish […]

Life Altering Chaos…light getting stuck by lightning! I’ve been scrambling, working overtime, and bottom line, the timing of this opportunity couldn’t have been worse.  But you can’t really pick when Steven Paul is going to find and collect a unique Papua New Guinea Maroon Clownfish (Premnas biaculeatus), let alone when it’s going to be offered […]